Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BESUserAdminClient - User and Device Management.

Read the earlier blog to get into the basics of this tool.

BESUserAdminClient ( BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Administration  Tool ) can be a great tool for the BlackBerry Administrator to automate or script their daily tasks, but for the difficult and incoherent command line options and switches. Starting from the (-?) help switches to the almost 100 page document, nothing is logical and harmonious. 
Anyways, here is my humble effort to organize the power of BESUserAdminClient  into specific group of tasks. In today's blog I will only concentrate on the tasks that an administrator performs to do user and device management. This tool also has limited support to perform these operations on multiple users, but let's keep it for another blog.
First things first. Let's start by making sure that BESUserAdminClient is up and working.
BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username my_BESadmin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain Galaxy.Lab -status

if you are using BAS authentication use it as below
BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username my_BESadmin -password my_password -bas_auth -status
User provisioning and de-provisioning.
Let us go through some of the user provisioning and removal process using this tool.
  • Adding a user User1@galaxy.lab to the BES Server.BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -u user1@galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add 
    Note: -b parameter is the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance. If you get an error message "Cannot find Dispatcher Instance:" then surely the issue is with the -b parameter. For more information read the following blog
  • Add a user that sets a random password for Enterprise Activation and emails it to the user.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -add -wrandom
    You can also use -w password -wt 48 to set a specific password  and expiration hime in hours
  • Add a user and add it to a group as well as an IT Policy.BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -group grp1 -it_policy "new IT Policy" 
  • Delete a user.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u user1@galaxy.lab -delete
    You can also use -force to delete a user even if user mailbox is not found.
User maintenance tasks.
Under this section I will try to introduce some basic administrative tasks performed on a BES user, that could also be accomplished with this too.
  • Find a user
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -find
  • Move a user
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u user1@galaxy.lab -move -b my_Source_Server_instance -t my_target_Server_instance
    To find the instance name of source and target server follow this link 
  • Resend Service Book.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -resend_service_book
  • Set Redirection on a specific folder.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u user1@galaxy.lab -set_folder_redirection -foldername my_Folder -er
  • Enable redirection.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -change -er
    use -dr for disable
  • Resend Service Book.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -resend_service_book
  • Set Redirection on a specific folder.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u user1@galaxy.lab -set_folder_redirection -foldername my_Folder -er
  • Enable redirection.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -change -er
    use -dr for disable
  • Assign Static Agent 299 to the user
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -assign_static_mailbox_agent  299
    You can also use -clear_static_mailbox_agent to remove the user from static agent.
  • Delete pending messages
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -purge_pending_message
  • Adding the user to a group named grp1
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -change -group grp1
    using -Cgroup deletes the user from the group
  • List the groups in the BlackBerry domain
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -list -groups
  • List all the folders on the user's mailbox and their redirection state.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -u user1@galaxy.lab -folders  
  • List the Enterprise Activation Status of the user.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -u User1@galaxy.lab -eastatus
    you can also use -from and -to sub parameter to filter the result based on date.
Device management tasks.
  • Set Password "my_password" on the device for user User1@galaxy.labBESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -u user1@galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -set password my_password
  • Set the owner info on the device.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -set_owner_info -info "InsideBES Administrator"
    You can also use -infofile file.txt where file.txt has the user information.
  • Kill the device - Delete all the data on the handheld.BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -add -u User1@galaxy.lab -kill_handheld 
  • Send an Email or PIN to the device.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u user1@galaxy.lab -send_email -subject "Message from InsideBES Admin" -body "Welcome to my blog"
    You can also use -send_PIN. Very helpful when email infrastructure is having issues. 
  • List applications on device.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -handheld_info -apps
    This is a powerful command that gets the details of all the applications installed on the device.
    You can also use -appname and -appsfull. Refer to RIM documentation for more detail.
  • Retrieving the device statistics.
    BESUserAdminClient.exe -n my_BASServer -username admin -password my_password -ad_auth -domain galaxy.lab -b my_Server_instance -u User1@galaxy.lab -handheld_info -hhstats
I have personally used all of these commands sucessfully, however there is always a possibility of a human error. If so please leave your thoughts in the comment. I will confimr and update this document. 
In the next blog I will try to organize my thoughts on Server Management and bulk management.
Looking forward for your comments.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BESUserAdminClient - "Cannot find Dispatcher Instance:"

BESUserAdminClient requires -b parameter with some of its switches. As per the document -b is the name of the BlackBerry Server Instance that appears in the BlackBerry Administration Service.

There are many ways to find it, that includes BlackBerry Administration Service, BES SQL Server, Registry and the BESUserAdminClient itself. 

If you get an error message "Cannot find Dispatcher Instance:" when using BESUserAdminClient,then surely the issue is with the -b parameter.

How to get the Dispatcher Instance from BlackBerry Administration Service

Under the section Servers and Computers -> Click BlackBerry Solution topology -> Click BlackBerry Domain -> Click Component View -> Click BlackBerry Enterprise Server . On the right side of the screen, Click on View component list. On the Components Page note the Name under BlackBerry Enterprise Server Section. You can use the Name as the Dispatcher Instance name for the -b parameter used in the BESUserAdminClient.

Hope this helps. Enjoy the automation.