Thursday, May 20, 2010

BlackBerry Administration Service Session Timeout.

The new web based BlackBerry Administration Service time-out does become annoying at times. And here is the way to increase the session time-out.
Login to the BAS Server as an administrator, and browse to the following directory - 

C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\BAS\jboss\ejb\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer\conf

Open Web.XML file in Notepad and search for Session-timeout. Change the default value to the value (in red) of your choice.

Save the file. Restart BlackBerry Administration Service - Application Server. And enjoy.

P.S - The BAS Server version was 5.0.1 running on Windows 2008 SP1 (32 Bit). I had issues saving the Web.XML file even though the BESAdmin account is a local administrator. So I ran "cmd" as an administrator, navigated to the desired folder and typed "notepad Web.XML". I changed the value to 600 minutes i.e 10 hours. My first test after 9 hours was successful. I am sure there is more to it. If time permits I will explore further.

If you encounter any issues, or have an update, please feel free to comment.

P.S - This may be of great benefit in a lab environment. However, check your corporate policy before making these sort of changes.


  1. That path or file does not appear to be available on a BESx server. Is there a different place to do this with BESx?

  2. and setting it to "-1" means is does not timeout
